Saturday, 14 August 2010

Kick-ass films of the last year

Some of the top films I've seen in the last year (a few unpopular choices in there I'm sure but I have my reasons!)

Blessed (Kokkinos) : Heartbreakingly moving, Real, Beautiful
Beautiful Kate (Ward): Intense, uncomfortable, completely absorbing
Paper Heart (Jasenovec): Clever, cute, IloveMichaelCera
The Scouting Book for Boys (Harper): Disturbing, Underrated, Brilliant
Fish Tank (Arnold): Gritty, Dazzling, Evocative
Bright Star (Campion): Poetry, Romance, Step back in time
An Education (Scherfig): Funny, Witty, Spot on
A Serious Man (Coen brothers): Funny, Moving, Great

Kick-ass (Vaughn)
Alice in Wonderland 3D (Burton)
Shutter Island (Scorsese)
Inception (Nolan)
Remember Me (Coulter)
Greenberg (Baumbach)
Toy Story 3 (Unkrich)