Some things that have ticked all the right boxes for me of late
- Joan As Police Woman- The Deep Field: At last, a new album from her. Completely addicted to 'The Magic', what a song!
- 'Cold Heart' by Schuyler Fisk and 'Who We Are' by Ryan Calhoun. Can't get enough of these songs at the moment.
- Big Fat Gypsy Weddings on C4: completely gripped. Mad stuff to watch but can't tear my eyes away
- My new hottie: best bedfellow there is on cold nights

- Sleeping again! After two years of being an insomniac, being able to get 5/6 hours sleep per night again is an unexplainable feeling. Fingers crossed it stays this way.
- Dickie Beau at The Cambria: mind- blowing performance. Check him out and see him perform. He really is something.

- Peter Mullan season on Film4
- PostSecret book by Frank Warren- genius. Great coffee table book and present.

- Planning South East Asia travels: I cannot wait to be here

- Fran Healy at Dingwalls
- Meeting Azure Ray at Borderline: one of my favourite bands, one of my favourite venues. Maria Taylor and Orenda Fink are two of my biggest musical influences so meeting them was a little overwhelming! Top gig.

- Tastelondon card and half price dining: love it.
- Some decent TV shows at last! (The Big C, Bedlam, Boardwalk Empire, The Promise) And a new Sky channel. More welcome distractions.
- Inappropriate crushes: got to have 'em to get you through the day!
- Getting back in touch with old friends. This is always nice.
- Moving out (good riddance to bad rubbish)
- Moving in (can't wait for the most wonderful lady to move into Selby towers!)
- Cabaret shows, comedy nights, cinema trips, pub lunches, cocktails and catching up with friends. Nothing beats it.
Things I'm looking forward to:
Tom McRae at St James' Piccadilly
Film Awards season!
Paddy Considine's directorial feature debut Tyrannosaur
Seeing True Grit, Black Swan, Biutiful
Nights out, evenings in, and seeing how it all pans out